Take Down the Tourmaline Tarp

Are you tired of seeing the ugly black tarp on the bluffs in the Cove? 

Then Speak Up! 

YOU can cmment here.

And testify-

Wednesday, July 26, 9 A.M. (Ok if you are late.)

Via Zoom: bit.ly/tourmotarp 

In person: 1222 FIRST AVENUE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 

Agenda item: 417 Sea Ridge Drive 

Sign in or attend in person and tell them: 

• (Say your name and how you are familiar with this location) 
• Take down the Black Tarp 
• Protect the Bluffs 
• Save Our Surf- no rip rap ever in the Cove
Save Our Access to the Beach and Ocean

The black tarp and other concrete pouring on the bluffs were the result of unpermitted work some years ago. Now the owner has applied to address the code violations. Zoom in on July 26 at 9 A.M. and make your voice heard!


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